US Military
It hit me last night while I was selling tickets at our girl's lacrosse and JV Baseball games, and the National Anthem was playing, that I love our military men and women. I respect them for what they do, putting their lives on the line every day, being away from their husbands, wives, parents, children, brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents, not to mention their friends, in order for us to be with those family members and friends and live safely. I come from a family that has had members serve in one or more branches of the military. My father was in the Army Reserves, my uncle in the Marine Corps, my grandfather was a turret gunner during WWII in the Pacific Theater, my other grandfather was in the Army, my nephew and his wife both attended the US Naval Academy (where they met) and are now both active duty Navy stationed in Rhode Island. I am sure I have missed some other members (my uncle on my mother's side was, but I do not know which branch, I think Navy).
Every time the National Anthem plays I get tears in my eyes. To me it is a love for God, country, and family that strikes into my heart every time I hear it, how many lives have been freely given by our military men and women. I always tear up and it bothers me to no end when I see people being disrespectful during the playing of the National Anthem. I have dear friends from high school that served or are still serving in the military and my cousin will soon leave for basic in the US Navy. I see our students here at Forest Park High School, that have parents in the military, come in and transfer out. They are well-rounded teenagers that participate in quite a few sports (at least the ones I see weekly when selling tickets). They are polite and have good grades. I have gotten to know their parents, and I pray for them along with all our men and women in the military every night before I go to bed.
I get the same tears in my eyes. The day I watched my son, a month out of high school, walk away from me was the most difficult day of my life, thus far. I am so proud of the man he has become, and that is mostly because of his Navy career.