Letting Go....Just do it!
The old saying is "Letting go is hard to do"....and that is right on the money. Whether it is letting go of hatred, or failed relationships, or old friendships where the two friends have grown apart and no longer share the same interests...it is still very hard for us as humans to let go. Why? Why is it so hard to look at the other person and say to ourselves, "They are unhappy and I am making them that way. I need to let them go so they can discover their happiness again." We see the extreme results of refusing to let go all the time....usually on the news or on Dateline...one party decides that the only way to let go is to get rid of the other, usually through death. And then we see the family and friends telling anyone and everyone that will listen, "I never thought they would do such a thing." "He/She was such a nice and friendly person that loved their family"...I am sure they were. But what is it that takes that love for their family and friend and twists it until all they feel is anger and hatred?
Some people are born controlling....you can see it early on in their life. While for others it is learned behavior and they are very good at controlling others in their life without actually making it seem like they are controlling. They do it with friends, family, finances, everyday decisions. They do it with hairstyle, makeup, clothing, and even telling others who they can and cannot talk to....but all of it is done in a sneaky and subversive way. If you are in a situation like this....get out while you can/ Find your happiness again. Find your passion again. Find your self, the real self, again. Do NOT sit around and wait for years for things to change....Change can only come from within the person that needs to change and they have to want to change. Surround yourself with those that will love you, care about you, be there when you need a shoulder or ear to cry on or vent to, and make sure you are safe and protected. Learn to recognize the warning signs of emotional and mental abuse....physical abuse is easy to identify, emotional and mental are harder to see and identify. Take self-defense classes if you must.
To those that are controlling, I say this to you....STOP!! Look at yourself....take control of yourself first. Let the unhappy ones go. Give them the chance to be happy again. And you may just find your happiness as well.
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