
Showing posts from June, 2012

Education and Job Interviews, Oh MY!!!!

With summer vacation upon me, I find myself wondering about things I normally would not.  For example, the other day I was at Burger King and it was during the time they take applications and do interviews.  It amazes me the state of dress someone thinks is appropriate for trying to obtain a job.  Now I know it is only Burger King, but if you don't care what you look like when trying to get them to hire you, what makes them think you will care about anything once you start working there.  Cut off jeans with holes in them, a tank top and flip flops is NOT appropriate dress for an interview.  On the other hand I was impressed with the manager doing the interviewing as he told them what they needed to do next time in order to impress him into hiring them. Maybe I should start my own business and go into the schools and teach high school juniors and seniors how to interview for a job.  It seems to me that no one is teaching them this information now.  Ex...